
The Liturgy Ministry is responsible for planning, communicating, and implementing the necessary liturgy associated with the celebration of the Mass and Holy Days, working closely with the Pastor and Director of Music to ensure that the Liturgy is relevant and enriches the community of the faithful. If you are interested in donating your time and talent to any of the ministries below, please contact the rectory office at

Liturgical Ministries include:

  • Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
  • Usher/Greeter
  • Sacristan
  • Altar Server
  • Hospitality/Coffee Hour
  • Lector (Minister of the Word)
  • Church decoration committee
  • Eucharistic Adoration/Sign-Up
  • Fr. Chris Begg’s Bible Study

Adult Faith Formation

Adult faith formation facilitates continual spiritual and catechetical growth of parish adults.  As the US Bishops explain: “The Church’s Pastoral ministry exists to sustain the work of the Gospel…To grow in discipleship throughout life, all believers need and are called to build vibrant parish and diocesan communities of faith and service.”

We seek to form adults who actively cultivate a lively baptismal and Eucharistic spirituality with a powerful sense of mission and apostolate. Nourished by word, sacrament, and communal life, they will witness and share the Gospel in their homes, neighborhoods, places of work, and centers of culture.

The Office of Adult Faith Formation attempts to foster a Parish environment that helps the believer to flourish and constantly be challenged; as such, feel free to request or suggest future programs. Please let us know how we can serve you better.

Important Links & Aspects of Adult Faith Formation:

Youth Faith Formation

The Youth Program is inspired by a model that incorporates catechesis and ministry. It is a comprehensive program that includes, but is not limited to, Confirmation preparation. Within the program, teens learn how to pursue an active Christian lifestyle in all areas of life, including: spirituality, knowledge of the faith, service, and fellowship. During the program, teens experience Christ in a variety of opportunities.

Youth Faith Formation includes:

Sacred Music

Please contact Maria Balducci, Director of Music & Organist, if you are interested in becoming involved with the St. Joseph’s music program. (

“Indeed, through this form [sacred music], prayer is expressed in a more attractive way, the mystery of the Liturgy, with its hierarchical and community nature, is more openly shown, the unity of hearts is more profoundly achieved by the union of voices, minds are more easily raised to heavenly things by the beauty of the sacred rites, and the whole celebration more clearly prefigures that heavenly Liturgy which is enacted in the holy city of Jerusalem.” (Musicam Sacram, 1967)

Concert Series: 2024-2025

  • The Friday, October 18, 2024 evening concert moved to a different location. However, please join us Sunday, October 20, 2024 at the 10:30am Mass for a fully sung Mass. Paul Jernberg will conduct his recently composed Mass in Honor of Blessed Karl of Austria.
  • Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 7pm: Requiem Mass by Claudio Casciolini. On All Souls Day, the St. Joseph’s Choir offers the sung requiem Mass of Italian Renaissance composer Casciolini, in memorium of the parishioners, family members, and friends of St. Joseph’s who died in the past year.
  • Sunday, December 15, 2024 at 4pm: Traditional Lessons & Carols. Join us on Gaudete Sunday for readings and music to reflect on the Advent and Christmas seasons.
  • Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 4pm: Orange Line Brass Quintet. On the feast of the Epiphany, the local Orange Line brass quintet offers Christmas carols and other works for brass quintet and brass and organ.
  • Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 7:30pm: The Thirteen. Local DC professional choir, The Thirteen, under the direction of Gilbert Spencer, presents David Lang’s “the little match girl passion”, which overlays the classic Hans Christian Andersen fable of the little match girl with the Passion story; and Gabriel Jackson’s “to the field of stars”, which explores the theme of mysticism along the pilgrimage route El Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Tickets required.
  • Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 7pm: Music for Strings & Organ. Parishioners and professional musicians, Kat and Erik Whitesides (founders and members of the N Street Quartet) offer music for violin and viola, along with St. Joseph’s music director and organist, Maria Balducci. They will share classical and sacred works, especially suited for the Lenten season.
  • Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 4pm: Marian Concert. The third annual concert offered by the St. Joseph’s Choir, with motets and hymns in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mother.

The St. Joseph’s Choir

The St. Joseph’s Choir sings for the Sunday 10:30am Masses. Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:30pm-9pm. The music encompasses the entirety of the Church’s rich history of sacred music, from centuries-old a cappella Gregorian chant to Renaissance polyphony to new works by living composers.  We also have a women’s and men’s schola which sings monthly for the Sunday 8:30am Masses.  Consider joining if you have a background in music or singing, and are looking to find a wonderful, faithful community within the parish. (Contact: Maria Balducci, Director of Music:

The St. Joseph’s Choir after singing for the Rite of Election at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, spring 2022.

The SJCA: St. Joseph’s Chorus Angelorum (Children’s Choir)

In the fall of 2022, St. Joseph’s added a children’s choir to our sacred music program. The Chorus Angelorum- choir of angels- has a two-fold mission: first, to teach the children proper singing technique, chants, hymns, motets, and the Mass ordinary and propers; second, to be exposed to Gregorian chant notation and Latin pronunciation and translation. The Chorus Angelorum is a part of Pueri Cantores, the international student choral organization of the Catholic Church, and participate in their annual regional festival Mass that gathers hundreds of local young Catholic singers. Rehearsals are every other Thursday from 6:30pm-7:30pm. (Contact: Maria Balducci, Director of Music:

St. Joseph’s Chorus Angelorum at the at Pueri Cantores 2023 Mid-Atlantic Youth Choral Festival at St. Matthew’s Cathedral, March 4th.

The St. Joseph’s Pipe Organ

Hook & Hastings (Opus 1487, 1891)

Nave, Gallery, and Pipe Facade: Photograph by Len Levasseur. Taken November 2010.


The historic Hook & Hastings Op. 1487, 1891 pipe organ has been removed by the David E. Wallace & Co. LLC Pipe Organ Builders and will receive a full restoration. The organ was carefully dissambled the week of June 3, 2024, and will spend 12-13 months in Maine before returning to St. Joseph’s by fall of 2025. In addition to a full restoration, the hand-pumping mechanism will be restored/recreated and a new 16’ Trombone in the style of Hook & Hastings will be added to the Pedal division. St. Joseph’s is very grateful to all who contributed to this $600K+ project, an important project to maintain such a treasured piece of the church’s history.

During the time of restoration, St. Joseph’s will be using a smaller Hook & Hastings (c. 1875), restored by Meloni & Farrier in 2021. This pipe organ features four manual stops (three divided) and one pedal stop.

Specifications (Manuals, 58 notes; Pedal, 27 notes; 1, 577 pipes)

  • 16 Open Diapason
  • 8 Open Diapason
  • 8 Doppel Flute
  • 4 Octave
  • 3 Twelfth
  • 2 Fifteeth
  • 1 1/3 Mixture III (174 pipes)
  • 8 Trumpet
  • SWELL (enclosed)
  • 16 Bourdon Bass
  • 16 Bourdon Treble
  • 8 Open Diapason
  • 8 Stopped Diapason
  • 8 Viola
  • 4 Flauto Traverso
  • 4 Violino
  • 1 1/3 Dolce Cornet III (174 pipes)
  • 8 Oboe & Bassoon
  • Tremelo
  • CHOIR (unenclosed)
  • 8 Geigen Principal
  • 8 Melodia
  • 8 Dulciana
  • 4 Flute d’Amour
  • 2 Piccolo
  • 8 Clarinet
  • 16 Open Diapason
  • 16 Bourdon
  • 8 Violincello

About the Musicians

Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry at St. Joe’s serves those between the ages of 18-39 in a variety of ways. The Young Adults come together monthly for Adoration and Fellowship on First Fridays, Third Sunday Coffee Hours, and our YAM Speaker Series.

The Young Adults also offer small groups for men and women, in addition to other prayer and social activites.

In recent years, we have welcomed Sr. Alethia Noble to speak to our parish, traveled to the Shrine of St. Anthony for a day of recollection, challenged other local Young Adults in trivia, and more! 

To find out more about upcoming events like us on Facebook or sign-up for our emails!

Social Justice

If you want peace, work for justice

—Pope Paul VI

From Genesis through Revelations “justice” is mentioned prominently throughout the bible. Justice is the underpinning of how we are to relate to each other.

He executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and shows his love for the alien by giving him food and clothing

–De 10:18

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; loving kindness and truth go before You

–PS 89:14

Thus has the Lord of hosts said, Dispense true justice and practice kindness and compassion each to his brother

—Zec 7:9

As Catholic Christians we are called to stand in solidarity with the oppressed, the poor the vulnerable, to love thy neighbor as thy self, to be good shepherds of the earth. We are called to respect the dignity of work, the rights of all people, and life from natural conception to natural death. We are called to both prayer and action, for what is faith without justice or what is action if it is not rooted in our Catholic faith? Love consists of sharing what one has with those one loves. Love ought to show itself in deeds more then words.–Ignatius Loyola

Different Activities Social Justice Ministry involves:

  • Pro-life Ministry
  • Community Service Projects
  • Food Bank

For more information contact Carolina.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is a ministry of compassionate presence in imitation of Jesus’ care of people, especially those who are hurting and in need.

Areas in which Pastoral Care serve:

Ecumenical and Interfaith Ministry

The ecumenical and inter-faith ministry challenges Catholics to develop deeper and better relationships with people in other religious traditions, especially with other Christians.

Important Links to Learn More:

Serving the Parish

The Parish Service Ministry helps keep the parish running smoothly, united as community, and looking its best.

Ways in which to serve the Parish:

  • Parish Council (TBD) | Guidelines
  • Finance Council
  • Annual Parish Picnic Planning Committee
  • Saturday Field Day Activities (Parish Beautification and Maintenance)
  • Pilgrimage and Retreat Planning Committee